Monday, October 19, 2009

Albino frogs are so cool.

I haven't made a post in so long. Welcome back to hell dicks.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Click for full size little bitches.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

teen wolf

I'm using airport wifi and I guess these are the kind of things I post when I'm in an airport. They are playing CNN really quite loudly all over the terminal and there are all these husky military types in Ohio State tees scoffing at mentions of abortion and obama and what not all over the place and I CANT WAIT TO BE IN CANADA.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

That's a shitty cake.

Here are some terrible cakes from the.....70's?

I stole them from cake wrecks. FUCKING CAKE.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

party party party, were gonna have a party!

Two halloweens ago I thought it would be cool to put this movie on and then push the tv up to the window facing out onto the street while I handed out candy. Half way through the night some dude with a ponytail came up to me and asked what it was and I said "Oh it's the first dracula" and he said "NO NOSFERATU WAS THE FIRST DRACULA, I REALLY LIKE DRACULA" and I said "get your god damn ponytail off my fucking porch you mid-western freak show!"

Actually I didn't say that, I'm pretty sure I just laughed nervously and mumbled something about how nosferatu was cool and suddenly became very aware of my cleavage.
The point is that you should never hand out candy in downtown dayton because everyone that lives there is a disgusting bag of rotting American fat.

Next year I am totally being Andrew WK.

Friday, July 31, 2009

we like the moon

I bought a lot of moon related things today, which reminded me that I saved these like 5 days ago, and that I am pretty much the lamest person alive. This is mostly for my best bud Sam and for Greg. Here you go guys. You know, you two should really go gay for eachother because at this point it only makes sense. I'm okay with it, don't worry.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ripleys hair

If you don't think that Alien is the coolest thing ever then you should probably just go ahead and press that x button up at the corner of your screen there and leave me alone for the rest of my life.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

every sperm is sacred

Let The Right One In is one of the best movies I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Go get in your car or on your fixed speed bike (I'm looking at you, douchebag) or on your space ship and go rent it right now. But don't watch it with the dubs on, durr.

I stole all of these from Cinema Is Dope.